14.11 $
Price for 1✅ في مكان الرابط ضع emial يكون من اختيارك ✅ بعد الشراء افتح تذكرة مع رقم الطلب IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION, BEFORE PURCHASE. Can link PSN, XBOX, NINTENDO. ◻️ List of Skins: 1️. Arctic Adeline 2. Guff Gringle 3. Sled Ready Guff ◻️ List of Cosmetics: 1. Rip & Tear. 2. Fa-la-la-Llama 3. Wintry Whirligig 4. Charpter 4 Island Theme 5. Fractured Melody 6. Gringle Gift 7. Lil` Prancer 8. Ribbon Trail 9. Sledgecracker 10. Slushy Sneak 11. When the Wind Blows 12. Boom Bauble 13. Har-Har-Har! 14. Naughty or Nice? 15.Season`s Guffings 16. Slush-Faced ◻️ Account Details: ✅ 18 Cosmetics. ✅ 3 Skins. ✅ 0 V-Bucks. ✅ No Purchases in EGS. ✅ Original (First) Email Access. ✅ You can change Password and Email. ✅ Email can be changed right after the Purchase — You don't need to wait for 3 Months.